Technology and the Iron IndustryRead MoreTechnology and the Iron Industry
Factual Information about IronRead MoreFactual Information about Iron
Countries Where Iron is AbundantRead MoreCountries Where Iron is Abundant
Origin of IronRead MoreOrigin of Iron
Types of Cast IronRead MoreTypes of Cast Iron
Different Types of IronRead MoreDifferent Types of Iron
Is Iron the Missing Piece in the Fight Against Global Warming?Read MoreIs Iron the Missing Piece in the Fight Against Global Warming?
How Iron WorksRead MoreHow Iron Works
Different Uses of IronRead MoreDifferent Uses of Iron
Recents posts
Technology and the Iron Industry
Iron has been utilised by humans since prehistoric times. This metal was an intrinsic part of human development and continues to be a major aspect of modern infrastructures. However, the iron industry of today has advanced dramatically. As a result, people who work within the sector have access to a range of convenient technology. Apple […]
Factual Information about Iron
From vital building steel to helping transport oxygen and nourishing plants, iron helps to sustain lives on earth. In plants, the element is vital in making of chlorophyll as it’s an important element of hemoglobin in animals. Presently, nearly ninety-eight percent of refined metals are iron. Most of the refined iron is used in making […]
Different Uses of Iron
Iron happens to be the most common metal on earth. It plays a crucial role in ensuring life goes on, as it has different uses. Classified in Group 8 o
How Iron Works
Even before modern civilisation, iron was still a crucial aspect of life. Toolmakers back in the day were making implements using meteorites which wer
Is Iron the Missing Piece in the Fight Against Global Warming?
The world is facing a common enemy; global warming. As the effects of global warming continue to manifest, scientists think iron, the most common mine
Different Types of Iron
There are two major types of iron, and they are wrought and cast iron.
Wrought Iron
This happens to be the most commonly used, especially by blacksmit