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Factual Information about Iron

Factual Information about Iron

By on May 10, 2020 in Uses of Iron

From vital building steel to helping transport oxygen and nourishing plants, iron helps to sustain lives on earth. In plants, the element is vital in making of chlorophyll as it’s an important element of hemoglobin in animals. Presently, nearly ninety-eight percent of refined metals are iron. Most of the refined iron is used in making steel.

Although iron is the most copious metal on earth, it quickly corrodes when exposed to high temperatures, moist and air. Read below to understand surprising information about iron.

Iron is Toxic

Despite the fact that iron is a vital mineral, too much intake is dangerous. Free iron elements in the blood react with peroxides to form free radicals, which adversely affect DNA and cellular components.

For instance, when the level of iron compounds in 1KG body weight goes above 20mgs, proteins and lipids are damaged. The toxic elements can cause illness or even death, thus pay a visit to Aimn to shop for their products while taking a healthy level of iron.

Iron was the First Magnet

Lodestones attract metallic irons and inert magnetite. As a result, ancient navigators used lodestone as a compass pointing to the North Pole. The black stone is produced from magnetite, a natural oxide of iron.

Iron Creates Electric Currents

The liquid iron circulating deep in earth creates electric currents, which form the magnetic fields of the planet. The charged metals, in turn, generate currents and thus, enabling the continuation of the cycle.
